
I currently teach the following courses and seminars at the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University:

Introduction to the Management of Organizations

An introductory course directed at first year students in the Management and Organizations master program. The course consists of lectures on key research areas in management and organizations providing students with a basic understanding of the field. The course has several lecturers.

Organization Theory and Analysis

The course is directed at first year students in the international Leadership for Change master program. The course is structured around key organizational theories and the development of the field over time. Students read both classics and new research selected to showcase organizational research conducted in different types of organizations and in different national contexts.

Organization Theory 

The course is directed at advanced students in the Management and Organizations master program. The course is taught in Finnish, and it is structured around key organizational theories and the development of the field over time (e.g., institutional theory, organizational learning, organizational culture). 

Management and Organizations Doctoral Research Seminar 

The doctoral seminar supports the work of doctoral researchers by offering feedback on ongoing work, sharing knowledge on academic careers, and guiding students through milestones such as publishing, applying for grants, and planning their academic careers after the dissertation defense.

Pedagogical Training:

Curriculum and Educational Development –course, 5 ECTS, Tampere University.

Pedagogics in Digital Learning, 1 ECT, UNIPS University Pedagogical Support Project.

Supervisor Training for Supervisors of Doctoral Students, 5 ECTS, Tampere University.

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 10 ECTS, University of Tampere.

Doctoral Researchers Currently Under Supervision:

Siiri Piironen

Marjo Lamminen

Postdoctoral Researchers Currently Under Supervision:

Outi Koskinen, IMAGES -project